The APA system or Harvard System is also known as the “name (date) system”. In this system the name of the author is followed by the date of publishing, which appear in between brackets. Bibliographic entries appear in alphabetic order starting with the author’s surname and then the name in capital letters.
Deusto University follows the Chicago system. This system is mostly used in the field of social sciences.
Author > Date > Title of book > Place of publication > Publisher
Leiper, N. (1995). Tourism and Management. Melbourne: RMIT Publishing.
Writer organization > Date (or ‘n.d’)> Title of Internet article > Date of retrieval > Full URL
Google.(2007). Hilton hotels. Retrieved December 4, 2007, from http://en.wikipedia.or/wiki/Hilton_Hotels
Author> Date >Title of article > Title of journal >Volume and page numbers
Northcote,J. , & Macbeth,J. (2006).Conceptualizing yield: Sustainable tourism management. Annals of Tourism Reseach.33, 199-220.