What´s a Memoria de Prácticas? 1

What´s a Memoria de Prácticas?

At the end of any training period you may be asked to submit a Memoria de Prácticas.  This formal piece of writing should be a structured  account of the activity carried out during your training.  In fact, it should give your lecturers a good idea of the tasks you have performed.   However, a Memoria should not be understood as a detailed description of every activity done but the ones most relevant.

The trainee should try to analyse, classify and assess data, explain the problems or uncomfortable situations faced and explain the measures taken to deal with them.  Suggestions or recommendations can be provided too, if requested.

If your Faculty has already a format that you should follow, find out as much as possible about the requirements your work should meet before submitting a final draft.

Below you will find some points that can help build up a Memoria de Prácticas. Please note that you can also find practical tips for your Memoria if you go to the section on Report writing.